PalArt Festival 2023!

Following the resounding success of last year’s event, we are partnering with Amnesty International UK, to host a one-of-a-kind Palestinian arts festival at London’s Rich Mix.

Over three days, we will present art from across Palestine that covers mediums such as comedy, spoken word, dance, theatre, and storytelling. Confirmed artists include spoken word and experimental artist Farah Chamma, author & playwright Ahmed Masoud, actor movement specialist Micaela Miranda, spoken word artist and poet, Tasneim Zyada, comedians from PalCom and Weapons of Mass Hiliarty, and dance company Hawiyya.

The PalArt Festival will launch on Friday, 13th October, with a hilarious comedy show with PalCom and Weapons of Mass Hilarity. We welcome all interested in Palestine and those looking for an alternative arts and culture experience. 

The Programme

Friday, 13th October:
2pm: PalCom presents: Stand-up Comedy under Occupation – Presentation and Workshop
6:30pm: Dabke Dance Performance “Breeze Beneath” by Hawiyya Dance Company
7:05pm: Experimental performance  “Passports, Mo Salah, Jinn and other complicated things” by Ahmed Masoud and Farah Chamma
8pm: PalCom x Weapons of Mass Hilarity Comedy Show

Saturday, 14th October:  
1:30pmSpoken Word workshop with Tasneim Zyada
6:30pm: Dabke Dance Performance “Breeze Beneath” by Hawiyya Dance Company
7:05pm: Experimental performance  “Passports, Mo Salah, Jinn and other complicated things” by Ahmed Masoud and Farah Chamma
8:15pmSpoken word performance from Tasneim Zyada, Rayane Chami, Ramsay Short and others

Sunday, 15th October: 
2pmPhysical Storytelling and Politcal Theatre – workshop by Micaela Miranda
5pm: Dabke Dance Performance “Breeze Beneath” by Hawiyya Dance Company
6:05pm: Experimental performance  “Passports, Mo Salah, Jinn and other complicated things” by Ahmed Masoud and Farah Chamma

We offer combined tickets for the workshops and performances.